One of the greatest needs in the Church today is discernment. Just as Jesus and the Apostles warned, there are many false prophets and teachers. As Christians, we must be on guard against those that deceive with smooth sounding arguments. Many times these false teachings are encapsulated in the use of biblical sounding terms and phrases. However, a careful study of what is being propounded will show that it does not square with Scripture. Scripture is the ONLY infallible standard!
While I don't fashion myself as one of the "Watchdogs," I do try and bring warning about those who are gaining in popularity and influence. One of the ministries I have begun listening to and trying to keep up with is "Fighting for the Faith." It is the ministry of Chris Rosebrough. He is a Lutheran Pastor and examines much that is going on within Christendom today. He doesn't do it from a Lutheran perspective, but he constantly measures beliefs, statements, and sermons back to Scripture. He interacts with these sermons and teachings, and he examines them on his site.
I recently saw that he had examined two sermons from Andy Stanley. That is a name many of us know because of his father, the beloved Charles Stanley. Andy has risen highly within the Seeker Sensitive Church movement. His influence has grown in that approach and continues.
Chris Rosebrough played and interacted with two sermons that Andy preached and published. Andy said it was perhaps the most important series he had done, and Chris also points out the importance to know what Andy is teaching.
I told Southside just last evening (02/14/16) it would be in their best interest to not listen to Andy Stanley or seek influence from his ministry. I admit I haven't listened to Andy Stanley or none that espouse similar views because I wholeheartedly reject the Seeker Driven emphasis and style of ministry. However I know the temptation to hear the name of Andy Stanley and assume all he teaches is good because of the sentimental feelings many have for his father.
After listening to the first sermon (posted below), I wholly contend that Andy Stanley's approach to ministry and emphasis are not biblical. I have yet to listen to the second sermon but will be doing so within the next few days.
I would encourage you to listen to these sermons and heed what Chris Rosebrough is demonstrating as he interacts with these sermons. More of Chris Rosebrough's resources can be found on the website:
While I don't fashion myself as one of the "Watchdogs," I do try and bring warning about those who are gaining in popularity and influence. One of the ministries I have begun listening to and trying to keep up with is "Fighting for the Faith." It is the ministry of Chris Rosebrough. He is a Lutheran Pastor and examines much that is going on within Christendom today. He doesn't do it from a Lutheran perspective, but he constantly measures beliefs, statements, and sermons back to Scripture. He interacts with these sermons and teachings, and he examines them on his site.
I recently saw that he had examined two sermons from Andy Stanley. That is a name many of us know because of his father, the beloved Charles Stanley. Andy has risen highly within the Seeker Sensitive Church movement. His influence has grown in that approach and continues.
Chris Rosebrough played and interacted with two sermons that Andy preached and published. Andy said it was perhaps the most important series he had done, and Chris also points out the importance to know what Andy is teaching.
I told Southside just last evening (02/14/16) it would be in their best interest to not listen to Andy Stanley or seek influence from his ministry. I admit I haven't listened to Andy Stanley or none that espouse similar views because I wholeheartedly reject the Seeker Driven emphasis and style of ministry. However I know the temptation to hear the name of Andy Stanley and assume all he teaches is good because of the sentimental feelings many have for his father.
After listening to the first sermon (posted below), I wholly contend that Andy Stanley's approach to ministry and emphasis are not biblical. I have yet to listen to the second sermon but will be doing so within the next few days.
I would encourage you to listen to these sermons and heed what Chris Rosebrough is demonstrating as he interacts with these sermons. More of Chris Rosebrough's resources can be found on the website: