Here are some links to Daily Devotionals and Ministry Websites
Several daily Devotionals, as well as other tools - Sermonaudio
Wealth of Resources - Articles, Sermons, Books - Monergism
Daily Podcast and Articles from - Dr. Al Mohler
Sermons, Daily Devotions, and Articles from the ministry of Dr. John MacArthur
Ministry Resources from Dr. R.C. Sproul
Free online Resources and Bible Translations - Biblegateway, Blueletter Bible, and Biblehub
Sermons, Articles, and Books from ministry of Dr. John Piper
Sermons, Articles and more from the ministry of Dr. Alistair Begg
Georgia Baptist Convention
Southern Baptist Convention
Several daily Devotionals, as well as other tools - Sermonaudio
Wealth of Resources - Articles, Sermons, Books - Monergism
Daily Podcast and Articles from - Dr. Al Mohler
Sermons, Daily Devotions, and Articles from the ministry of Dr. John MacArthur
Ministry Resources from Dr. R.C. Sproul
Free online Resources and Bible Translations - Biblegateway, Blueletter Bible, and Biblehub
Sermons, Articles, and Books from ministry of Dr. John Piper
Sermons, Articles and more from the ministry of Dr. Alistair Begg
Georgia Baptist Convention
Southern Baptist Convention