In Genesis 3 the record of mankind's fall into sin is recorded. There is a great deal of truth contained in this chapter, and the way to consider it is an in-depth study. I will leave that to the reader.
I do want to consider just a few aspects from this record to see that the serpent, Satan, has not really altered his attacks against God's people. Why should he? His strategy continues to be effective. We must, therefore, know our inherent weakness and his tactics. We cannot gain victory in our strength for sure. The victory is given to us by Christ through faith. The question is, "Faith in what?"
Genesis 3 begins by telling us that the serpent was the most crafty creature God made. He approached Eve, instead of Adam. He didn't do that because Eve was defective or Adam was better. God has created a covenant relationship where the man was (and still is) the head of the marriage. Paul expounds on this in Ephesians 5. Eve did not defer to her husband, and her husband did not step up at be the leader. They both failed. It appears Adam was present during this exchange (see verse 6).
After circumventing God's plan, Satan raises doubts in Eve's mind about God's word. "Did God REALLY say," is the attack he takes. He makes her question the content of God's commands as well as her understanding and recollection of it. He makes her faith in the content of God's word begin to totter. God's word should be questioned and not trusted.
Eve does confess what God said, but she adds to it. Some see this as indicative of how we always want to add to God's word instead of seeing it as totally sufficient. At this point, there is no longer the word alone, but human reason has been added to it, at least in theory. God's plan has been circumvented, and His promise is brought into question. Satan has set her up for the final assault. She no longer trusts God's plan or His commands.
Satan moves in for the kill. Eve repeated the warning from God about death for disobeying His stipulation. Satan flatly contradicts God's word. He tells the woman that God lied. He wasn't telling them the truth. His word couldn't be trusted. His promise was untrue because of a character flaw.
Satan claimed God was "insecure" and was trying to keep the benefits of deity to Himself. If Eve ate of the forbidden tree, she would become like God. God would no longer be necessary. Eve could determine right and wrong for herself, and she would have all knowledge necessary for life. God was hindering that. Satan attacked the holy Person of God. He denied HIs glory, and Eve believed the serpent.
Mankind was plunged into sin, and it would take a sovereign, amazingly glorious work of God to redeem man (Gen. 3:15). Jesus is the fulfillment of that first promise of the Gospel. He alone redeems from the curse of sin.
The attack of the evil one is always to circumvent God's plan, make us distort and not trust in God's promises in His word, and question or doubt God's Person. Sometimes the distinctions are so subtle that they are bound together. If Satan attacks those areas, which he does, the only true object of our faith, God Himself, is questioned.
Ask God for the grace to trust His Self-Revelation and the glorious redemption He promised and produced in Christ.