I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You. Therefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.--Job 42:5-6
Within the past few years, for instance, Christ has been popularized by some so-called evangelicals as one who, if a proper amount of prayer were made, would help the pious prize fighter to knock another fighter unconscious in the ring. Christ is also said to help the big league pitcher to get the proper hook on his curve. In another instance He assists an athletically-minded parson to win the high jump, and still another not only to come in first in a track meet but to set a new record in the bargain. He is said also to have helped a praying businessman to beat out a competitor in a deal, to underbid a rival and to secure a coveted contract to the discomfiture of someone else who was trying to get it. He is even thought to lend succor to a praying movie actress while she plays a role so lewd as to bring the blood to the face of a professional prostitute.
Thus our Lord becomes the Christ of utility, a kind of Aladdin's lamp to do minor miracles in behalf of anyone who summons Him to do his bidding. The Root of the Righteous, p. 24
"Lord, help me not to demean the person of Christ or the sovereignty of God with this cheap sham of prayer. Amen."
We must not view Christ as a divine "vending machine" to give us what we want if we put in a token of prayer. He is Lord of lords and King of kings. He has all power in heaven and earth! He is worthy of our worship, devotion, and fidelity. As Thomas said in John 21, He is our Lord and God.
Within the past few years, for instance, Christ has been popularized by some so-called evangelicals as one who, if a proper amount of prayer were made, would help the pious prize fighter to knock another fighter unconscious in the ring. Christ is also said to help the big league pitcher to get the proper hook on his curve. In another instance He assists an athletically-minded parson to win the high jump, and still another not only to come in first in a track meet but to set a new record in the bargain. He is said also to have helped a praying businessman to beat out a competitor in a deal, to underbid a rival and to secure a coveted contract to the discomfiture of someone else who was trying to get it. He is even thought to lend succor to a praying movie actress while she plays a role so lewd as to bring the blood to the face of a professional prostitute.
Thus our Lord becomes the Christ of utility, a kind of Aladdin's lamp to do minor miracles in behalf of anyone who summons Him to do his bidding. The Root of the Righteous, p. 24
"Lord, help me not to demean the person of Christ or the sovereignty of God with this cheap sham of prayer. Amen."
We must not view Christ as a divine "vending machine" to give us what we want if we put in a token of prayer. He is Lord of lords and King of kings. He has all power in heaven and earth! He is worthy of our worship, devotion, and fidelity. As Thomas said in John 21, He is our Lord and God.